New Year, New Talent – Temp or Perm?

No matter what you do in your business, you need to think about your hiring strategies and that means choosing between whether you hire permanent or temporary employees. Only you’ll know which best suits your needs, but the two options offer value to your business in different ways.

Temporary team members are often hired to help to complete short-term projects whereas permanent employees are brought on to be more consistent and long-lasting. Temporary team members have been vital for businesses getting back on their feet in the past eighteen months but you will find that you need a pool of permanent employees for continuity.

To support your decision-making, we’ve popped the lid on the benefits of both.

The Benefits of Hiring Temp Staff

The Agency Factor

One of the key advantages of hiring temp staff is that they come from a large pool of agency-vetted prospects, from which your recruitment agent will have worked hard to match your vacancy.

With a portfolio of jobs and testimonials under their belt, a temporary employee presents you with the opportunity to hire a credible and experienced candidate to support your team’s immediate needs.

This makes for a swift hiring process that helps to reduce your employment costs.

The Affordable Choice

Hiring temporary staff members can be more cost-effective than hiring permanent staff. This is especially true if you’re recruiting for short-term projects or busy periods.

With the agency working hard to find you an ideal candidate, you avoid the cost of marketing and advertising your vacancy and the additional financial commitments that come with a permanent appointment.

However, temp staff are only cost-effective when used as short-term fillers. The longer they stay in your employ, the less cost-effective they become.

A Flexible Solution

Hiring temporary staff members allows you to adjust your workforce to meet your changing business needs. It also allows you to avoid making long-term staffing commitments you’re not ready to make. This can be especially beneficial in uncertain economic times.

Temp workers expect that a position may come with fluctuating hours and the possibility that a term may be extended or reduced. This level of acceptance from their end affords you the luxury of managing your workforce on a needs basis.

Provide Support for Your Long-Term Hiring Strategy

If you find yourself in a situation whereby you need to employ a permanent team member but aren’t quite ready to push play on the recruitment process, appointing a temp while you get your ducks in a row could be just the ticket.

On the one hand, hiring a temp buys you time. With someone working in the position and covering the needs associated with the role, you can focus on refining your objectives and preparing your recruitment campaign. On the other hand, you may wish to park your thinking on the permanent appointment in favour of trialling and evaluating the efforts of a temp worker.

After all, it might make little sense to lose a temp once they’re trained in your systems and embedded in your team, particularly if you have a permanent position on offer.

Skills Boost

Often you may require specialist skills or expertise not available in your existing workforce. In this instance, employing a temp can be the perfect solution. Equipped with what they need to do the job, a temp is ready to hit the ground running, often requiring little to no training.

With these specialist skills and capable professionals in play, your existing employees can focus on playing to their strengths. This helps to improve productivity by alleviating any pressure on your team. Equally, it ensures your project has the talent to achieve a successful outcome.

A Fresh Perspective

Temporary staff members can be brilliant vehicles for injecting a revived energy and fresh thinking to your business. This can carry some weight when thinking about creative industries recruitment.

A new dynamic can help to foster innovation and creativity, enhance productivity and elevate your team’s performance overall.

Whilst a new perspective wouldn’t be the driving force behind your decision to employ a temp worker, it is an exciting bonus that comes with doing so.

The Benefits of Hiring Permanent Staff

The Team Effect

Permanent staff members help to build and maintain a strong company. By embodying the values and principles of your business, they instil an invaluable connectedness amongst your team.

Permanent employees are more likely to invest in your company’s vision and contribute to team building and collaboration. This helps to create a more cohesive and productive work environment. Especially valuable when recruiting for creative jobs.

Consistency and Stability

Permanent staff members provide consistency and stability. Not only does this ensure that business runs smoothly and efficiently but retains valuable knowledge and expertise within your company.

With this comes a level of security you and your team can enjoy. Your employees feel supported by a robust organisational culture, and you can rest easy knowing that your business is in capable hands.

A Good Investment

Whilst hiring permanent staff may require a more significant upfront investment, ultimately, it will deliver a better return. This is particularly true if you invest in upskilling and career development opportunities for your team. As you’ll well know, with the rampant advances in the technology that influences digital, marketing, creative and communications jobs, upskilling your team is critical.

Staff who have access to growth opportunities feel more secure in their roles. They are motivated to work harder and enjoy greater workplace satisfaction. These satisfied employees are incredibly loyal. As a result staff turnover is low, saving you the cost of replacing them.

With a satisfied and dedicated workforce, your business will benefit from a highly productive team with a clear understanding of your operation and goals.


The decision to hire temp staff vs making a permanent appointment comes down to the individual needs of each business. At the end of the day, only the ones in the hot seat will know which hiring solution will be the best fit. 

Our team is at the forefront of the creative industry, with an outstanding pool of talented candidates – both temp and perm – ready to work in Sydney. If you’re hoping to secure one of the industry’s best, get in touch with our team today!